Step 2

stdClass Object
    [_id] => 610b10197d276939caa209a8
    [questionTitle] => Why are you interested in selling?
    [options] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Behind on taxes/mortgage
                    [value] => Behind on taxes/mortgage
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Death in the family
                    [value] => Death in the family
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Deferred Maintenance
                    [value] => Deferred Maintenance
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Don't want to be a landlord anymore
                    [value] => Don't want to be a landlord anymore
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Downsizing/Empty Nest
                    [value] => Downsizing/Empty Nest
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Getting divorced
                    [value] => Getting divorced
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Health issues
                    [value] => Health issues
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Job loss
                    [value] => Job loss
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Moving to a different city
                    [value] => Moving to a different city
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [9] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Need money
                    [value] => Need money
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [10] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Neighbourhood changing
                    [value] => Neighbourhood changing
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [11] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Other personal reason
                    [value] => Other personal reason
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [12] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Other
                    [value] => Other
                    [defaultSelected] => 


    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => DROPDOWN
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa2099f
    [characterLimit] => 
    [placeholder] => Select
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 610b10197d276939caa209a6
    [questionTitle] => How soon are you looking to sell?
    [options] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => ASAP
                    [value] => ASAP
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Not Sure
                    [value] => Not Sure
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Sometime in next few months
                    [value] => Sometime in next few months
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => When I get the right offer
                    [value] => When I get the right offer
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Other
                    [value] => Other
                    [defaultSelected] => 


    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => DROPDOWN
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa2099f
    [characterLimit] => 
    [placeholder] => Select
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db106f1d279c003765de0c
    [questionTitle] => Is the property vacant or occupied?
    [options] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Yes - Tenant
                    [value] => Yes - Tenant
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Yes - Owner
                    [value] => Yes - Owner
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => No - Vacant
                    [value] => No - Vacant
                    [defaultSelected] => 


    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => RADIO_BUTTON
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa2099f
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db10c0eead6c0014866bcd
    [questionTitle] => [If occupied by tenant] How are things going with the tenant?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa2099f
    [placeholder] => Tenant situation notes
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 610b10197d276939caa209a4
    [questionTitle] => Have you talked to a real estate agent about selling?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa2099f
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => Why they have or haven't talked to an agent.
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db112891068800297cc31c
    [questionTitle] => Are there any other decision makers on the property?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa2099f
    [placeholder] => List names of all decision makers
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db11d1d95839003078de7d
    [questionTitle] => How long have you owned this property?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa2099f
    [placeholder] => Enter years owned
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db1213b77ea8003713d9bd
    [questionTitle] => What was your original plan for the property?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa2099f
    [placeholder] => Soft motivation poke - can get more motivation out of them [optional]
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db123ca8dd08002f37b64b
    [questionTitle] => What's your sale price, if we offered all cash, bought as-is, quick sale?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa2099f
    [placeholder] => Price expectation
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db124f7f2ef80036fee937
    [questionTitle] => How did you arrive at that number?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa2099f
    [placeholder] => Price expectation
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 612184aca770e7f73ed06e51
    [questionTitle] => Have you received any other cash offers?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa2099f
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => [If yes] Amount of offers
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db1282e660590022ebc42b
    [questionTitle] => Can we schedule a time to visit and inspect the property?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa2099f
    [placeholder] => Schedule date/time for inspection visit
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 613b9083c2b38a596a7ae11a
    [questionTitle] => What repairs does the property need?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b904963047856c8aea99c
    [placeholder] => List all repairs needed
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db13d1115d6f0037a82e1d
    [questionTitle] => When was the roof last updated? Any leaks or updates needed?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b904963047856c8aea99c
    [placeholder] => Status of roof
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db13ede3aff80045370ee6
    [questionTitle] => How is the foundation? Any cracks in walls, uneven floors?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b904963047856c8aea99c
    [placeholder] => Status of foundation
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db1405f569320045259023
    [questionTitle] => What was the kitchen last remodeled? Cabinets, flooring, appliances?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b904963047856c8aea99c
    [placeholder] => Status of kitchen
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db141b81d3300021b1ada0
    [questionTitle] => Is there heating and air? What condition is it in?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b904963047856c8aea99c
    [placeholder] => Status of HVAC
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db14342dad7600441c119f
    [questionTitle] => How old are the windows?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b904963047856c8aea99c
    [placeholder] => Status of windows
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db145a56beaf0015f3e8fe
    [questionTitle] => When is the last time the interior and exterior were painted?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b904963047856c8aea99c
    [placeholder] => Status of painting
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db1477af8271001559edc6
    [questionTitle] => When is the last time the flooring was updated throughout the house?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b904963047856c8aea99c
    [placeholder] => Status of flooring
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 610b10197d276939caa209b3
    [questionTitle] => Number of units?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa209a0
    [characterLimit] => 
    [placeholder] => Number of units
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 610b10197d276939caa209ae
    [questionTitle] => How many vacancies do you currently have?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa209a0
    [characterLimit] => 
    [placeholder] => Vacancies
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db156a2dad7600441c1a22
    [questionTitle] => Who manages the property?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa209a0
    [placeholder] => Management
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db15882dad7600441c1a8c
    [questionTitle] => Are the current tenants on term leases or month-to-month
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa209a0
    [placeholder] => Tenant status - Can we obtain copies of the lease agreements?
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db15b4008d13002908317e
    [questionTitle] => Are the utilities separately metered? Who pays for utilities?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa209a0
    [placeholder] => Utilities
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db15def5693200452596f0
    [questionTitle] => How much are your annual taxes and insurance?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa209a0
    [placeholder] => Taxes/insurance
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db16136e3f7f003d2111cd
    [questionTitle] => Do you have a rent roll you could send me? Or could you tell me the unit mix now?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa209a0
    [placeholder] => Need to know the types of units - how many 1/1, 2/1, 3/2 etc. and the rent rate for each. A rent roll would provide this.
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db162756beaf0015f3f216
    [questionTitle] => Do you owe anything on the property?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa209a0
    [placeholder] => Amount owed
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db164856beaf0015f3f363
    [questionTitle] => When is the last time the property was upgraded?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa209a0
    [placeholder] => Unit upgrades and/or exterior/common areas
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db167056beaf0015f3f4f4
    [questionTitle] => Are there any immediate repairs or maintenance the property needs right now?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa209a0
    [placeholder] => Roof, HVAC, foundation, etc.
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db167e625eb7003a51f012
    [questionTitle] => Are you open to owner financing?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa209a0
    [placeholder] => Owner financing
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 62db16ac56beaf0015f3f6e1
    [questionTitle] => Do you have updated Trailing 12 (T12) documents for this property?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 610b10197d276939caa209a0
    [placeholder] => Trailing 12 is the last 12 months profit and loss sheet, which shows all expenses and revenues
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 6294e343a09096002834d1dd
    [questionTitle] => Is the land buildable?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b95d241e88d56cedb54c5
    [placeholder] => Buildability
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 613b97031a2c2a59928aa491
    [questionTitle] => What size is the land?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b95d241e88d56cedb54c5
    [numberFormat] => 
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => Acres/Sq ft
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 613b971fbbd7274caa63c811
    [questionTitle] => Is the land free and clear of liens and encumbrances?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b95d241e88d56cedb54c5
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => Title status
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 6294e3aa417f030036387ff2
    [questionTitle] => Is there legal access to the land?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b95d241e88d56cedb54c5
    [placeholder] => Access
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 613b9648bfee7653b681935d
    [questionTitle] => How is water connected or provided?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b95d241e88d56cedb54c5
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => Well water, city water, water taps?
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 6294e384175bae00380d6d90
    [questionTitle] => What is the land zoned for?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b95d241e88d56cedb54c5
    [placeholder] => Zoning
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 613b98a7bbd7274caa63c81c
    [questionTitle] => How much are the taxes each year?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 613b95d241e88d56cedb54c5
    [placeholder] => Taxes
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 

Address info

Property address helps us decide whether or not we deal in provided location

Contact Info

Areas where we buy houses