Step 2

stdClass Object
    [_id] => 67056e4d5c18fa3b21e42a0b
    [questionTitle] => What is the condition of the property?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 67056e056e9c5f3b0c6041c8
    [placeholder] => Condition
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 67056e5c05e1cd5ccd856de5
    [questionTitle] => Why do you want to sell?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 67056df5a4ff525e918a12b6
    [placeholder] => Motivation
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 67056e6de029e63b698d24c1
    [questionTitle] => When do you want to sell?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 67056e0c19d707fdc7325211
    [placeholder] => Timeline
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 67056e7ca4ff525e918a2a69
    [questionTitle] => What is the lowest price you would accept?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 67056e006e9c5f3b0c604136
    [placeholder] => Price
    [answer] => 

Address info

Property address helps us decide whether or not we deal in provided location

Contact Info

Areas where we buy houses